Monday, January 24, 2005

Baghdad Two Years On

As seen by Riverbend at “Baghdad Burning.”

“There hasn’t been a drop of water in the faucets for six days. six days. Even at the beginning of the occupation, when the water would disappear in the summer, there was always a trickle that would come from one of the pipes in the garden. Now, even that is gone....”

“Water is like peace- you never really know just how valuable it is until someone takes it away. It’s maddening to walk up to the sink, turn one of the faucets and hear the pipes groan with nothing. The toilets don’t function… the dishes sit piled up until two of us can manage to do them- one scrubbing and rinsing and the other pouring the water.... “

“It's amazing how as things get worse, you begin to require less and less. We have a saying for that in Iraq, ‘Ili yishoof il mawt, yirdha bil iskhooneh.’ Which means, "If you see death, you settle for a fever." We've given up on democracy, security and even electricity. Just bring back the water.”


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