Sunday, November 20, 2005


The preceding three posts are all part of a train of thought that started when I read an entry in Applachian Trail hiker's online journal. I met Wilderness Bob, a retired special forces sergeant while I was hiking the trail in Georgia this year. We discussed the war briefly but since we had different views, I spent more time discussing the trail and his experience. He's posting his journal now that he is finished hiking the trail. One entry intrigued me because, being a soldier, other hikers asked or maybe tried to debate the war with him. His response is that critics should run for president and implement their solutions. While I cannot run for president, I can offer throughtul criticism, which I believe is essential in an open, democratic society. So I started writing the "Out Now" post. The following day Rep. Murtha offered his views and was attacked by the Republicans and I wrote the next two pieces. It's three posts on a single thought.


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