Sunday, January 22, 2006

George W. Potemkin

Grigori Potemkin did not build the fake villages in Russia to fool his monarch but his name is forever associated with deception and sham accomplishments. His detractors created that myth so that “Potemkin Village” is now a term of obloquy. It naturally comes to my mind when I think about BushCheney and his dubious war on terror. Even more so when I hear Karl Rove talking about making security the central issue in the 2006 elections.

BushCheney and his apologists bleat incessantly about their success in keeping America safe from terrorist attacks but their words ring increasingly hollow. For all their bluster, little real success has been achieved; much of what this country has done in response to the terrorist threat is eyewash, designed to create the impression of action but without real success. Potemkin may not have built the villages so famously lilnked to his name but BushCheney has certainly done so.

For some perspective on our “success” against terrorism, check out georgia10's diary at Daily Kos. Four years and billions of dollars after 9-11, the number of attacks and deaths attributed to terrorists has increased. Some success. And just in case you want to believe that the increasing numbers are an artifact of a battle joined, I direct you to Christopher Pyle’s article in the New Prospect which demonstrates the irrelevance of much of our so-called counter-terrorism. World War II offers even more perspective: four years after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States and its allies (remember when we had real allies?) had defeated both Japan and Germany. Four years after 9-11 we are have yet to find a guy who hides in caves and issues scratchy audio tapes.

The cynic in me says that all this is part of carefully orchestrated plan: create the impression of action without eliminating the threat so that the Republicans can continue to flog this issue and remain in power forever. It’s worked well for two election cycles. Since it’s the only thing BushCheney has to offer an increasingly skeptical public, I am not surprised that Rove and his operatives are still waving the bloody shirt once again.

The real irony in all this is that history regards Grigori Potemkin as a man of some accomplishment. BushCheney only plays one on TV.


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