The Country Formerly Known as America*
I have been consciously not blogging about Iraq this week. The torrent of words spilling out as commentary on BushCheney's latest attempt to salvage his disaster in Iraq is excuse enough for me to try to think about something else for at least a little while. But then I hear on NPR that a Defense Department official is suggesting that corporations use their influence to discourage law firms from representing "enemy combatants" at our Guantanamo gulag and my head explodes.
Jeebus H. Christ on a popsicle stick!* I mean, what the fuck are we fighting for? The more I hear from this misbegotten administration, the less I recognize my country. BushCheney and his minions have bowdlerized the right of Habeus Corpus, stripped the courts of their role in protecting the individual rights that were at the heart of the American Revolution and the US Constitution and now some lackey wants to deny what little right to counsel remains for the inmates at Guantanamo. I'm beginning to think oubliette.
BushCheney has oft said that "they hate us for our freedoms". Well, it looks like his strategy will be to eliminate those freedoms. Thanks, George, I guess the terrorists have won. Is it time to go shopping now?
[* Plagerized from Tom Tomorrow]
[** Plagerized from Dave at The Galloping Beaver.]
The terrorists want to destroy our freedoms, so we must destroy them first, or the terrorists have won!
- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
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