Not Exactly the Same but Quite Familiar
Got back from camping on to find that not only is the US still occupying Iraq but also that the Democrats are caving in on setting a time line for the occupation. The trip was very nice–no one else was even evident from our campsite and we had a spectacular view from a side canyon off Milk Ranch Point. Prince the Dalmatian enjoyed it thoroughly; he was far more alert and interested in the surroundings than I’ve seen him in a long time. The area was rocky so he had some difficulty walking but seemed to gain more confidence as time went on. Maybe this is a sign that Maggie and I really, really need to get the hell out of Phoenix.
Reality returned as soon as I fired up my computer and found that little had changed during my 28 hour sojourn. I see that the US military command has a new strategy for the Iraq mission. Juan Cole finds tha plan reasonable but identifies numerous practical obstacles to its success. Fred Kaplan at Slate is more bluntly critical, noting that the new plan sounds much like what the US has been trying to do for years.
So the question comes back to what have the many deaths since CheneyBush decided to up the ante in Iraq? I guess that the difference is that Americans will protect civilians who are willing to build a new civil order Iraq. Except that we don’t really have the troops to do that and the many subcurrents of individual, sectarian and ethnic rivalry will make any political settlement difficult at best.
I think I’m better off sitting on the Mogollon Rim with my dog.
way better off on the rim. i've been called off to san diego for an emergency fill in gig. i'm already homesick for the superstitions.
congress has shown that they remain spineless, gutless, weenies who would rather watch our kids die than take a stand.
the command sgt major of the arizona national guard gave me a call two days ago. he was asking if he could call me to play the pipes for funerals when the families request it. he offered to pay. i told him to feel free to call, and that there would be no charge.
i understand
Its frikkin' ridiculous. I've grown tired of political blogging. How can I get excited when its a choice between two poisons; one of them just kills you a little slower.
I'm glad you had some time to get away from it all.
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