Thursday, October 09, 2008

Not Forgotten

Today marks one year since my wonderful companion, Prince, died. His passing hasn't affected me the way I thought it would. I miss him but except for times like this when I think about it, I'm rarely sad about losing him. It's a natural fact of any life and Prince sure had a good one and I sure valued his companionship in so many ways.

Maybe it was just coincidence but the Washington Post ran a story about old dogs this past Sunday. Coming so close to this anniversary, I recognized the special joy that comes with sharing a home with an aging dog. Yeah, it's a pain at times but what else can you do? Most of all, the story reminded me that Prince, like most old dogs, knew when it was time to go. All I had to do was pay attention.



Blogger NT said...

Compassion to ya and a big 'ol hug to Prince.

I never would have understood until I got Beta. Now, whenever anyone talks about their dog, I really listen. I mean really listen with all of my heart.

I give a good gawd-damn more about dogs than I do most human beings these days...

4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have always liked animals better than my own species.

Prince has left us with the distinct feeling that he is and was quite happy. He had the perfect life, and his end here was the best anyone could have. He had already gone over and was only lightly hanging out with us those last days. I thought that losing him would always bring only pain on remembering, but there is more than that now. I just wish that my dogs could live for 50 years.

Prince is still snuggling in one of his MANY beds, (he was royalty, after all), and we can still feel him in ours.

8:54 AM  

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