Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall Velo News

Fall is definitely here in Olympia. Saturday brought lots of rain, the harbinger of the wet days to come. By Sunday afternoon, the rain had dried up and the sun peeked out behind the clouds. I got in an unexpected bike ride. Between the rain and plans to use the darkroom at The Evergreen State College, I thought this might be the first weekend in 2010 I would not ride.

But I forgot that I had to pay the darkroom fee through the business services office which is not open on weekends so when the skies began to clear around noon, I rode out to Evergreen (exactly 6.66 miles from my home) and then back through west and south Olympia. Trees are alive with color,not yet the full riot of fall color but definitely signs of a changing season. The air is cooler--t-shirt cycling weather is likely over for the year.

I didn't get to develop my film but it sure was a pleasant way to spend a Sunday afternoon.



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