Tuesday, April 09, 2013

A Vietnam Archive

Came across the story of Charlie Haughey, a Vietnam infantryman photographer who took many, many photographs of his unit in 1968-69 and is just now printing from scanned images of negatives never printed.  A show of Haughey's work opened in Portland this past Friday.

His photos show Vietnam as I remember it.  A bit different in some details from my own experience but close enough.  Even more than simply bringing back memories, Haughey's images highlight much of the war's little known detail.
This guy looks barely old enough to be a soldier, much less one humping that big, heavy machine gun and looking at the world with those steely eyes. But the jungle was indeed that green.

 This photo is my favorite, a nice composition of chaos and strength--the strength of the Chinook hoisting that Huey and the chaos of all that chaff flying in the Chinook's rotor wash.   Nice composition and black and white exposure. 

Haughey's website has lots more.  It's worth checking out.  The story of the collaboration that brought these prints to light is worth reading as well.

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