An Encore Read
With the library
shut down due to the pandemic I am forced to rely on my own personal
book collection for reading material which means I am re-reading
books that I thought were worth saving during recent years’
culling. My first selection was Long Time Passing: Vietnam and
the Haunted Generation by Myra McPherson. The book grew out of a
series of Washington Post
articles McPherson wrote about Vietnam veterans in the late 70 and early 80s. It examines the
war’s impact on not only the soldiers who served but also the
impact on all who were forced to make difficult decisions about an
unpopular war. Soldiers, draft-dodgers, exiles, women and minorities
all tell their stories and illustrate just how all-encompassing the
Vietnam war was for the generation that came of age during the war
years. A best-seller when published in 1984, Long Time Passing
was the first major work to recognize and explore the impact of post
traumatic stress on returning veterans and their re-entry into
civilian life.
I read the book
when it came out and thought it spoke accurately of my own experience
and understanding of the war. It’s remained a fixture in my
bookcase along with other Vietnam literature. Reading it a second time after 36 years
I’m struck by how little detail I remember. The only image that
has remained clear in my mind is the draft resister who chopped off a
finger to avoid military service. The rest is almost as if I was
reading for the first time. My perspective has changed with the
added years but my original judgment stands. Long Time Passing
remains an important record of America’s difficulty in reconciling
itself to its war in Vietnam.
Long Time Passing
is encyclopedic in its scope with extensive interviews to provide
detail. The interviews, along with McPherson’s research and
commentary highlight the differences and conflicts within the Vietnam
generation—the changing context of patriotism, how the war pervaded
all aspects of life for the (mostly) men and (many) women of that
generation—and the varied backgrounds and experiences that led
individuals to make choices about military service, resistance and flat out avoidance.
Early on, McPherson admits that she came to the task largely ignorant
of the war and its impact. She described herself as too old to be among the generation at risk, too young to have military age
children and consequently, not directly affected by the war. As the
war and its controversies spilled into Americans’ consciousness,
McPherson realized that she had no personal contact with anyone
affected by the war. Long Time Passing shows that she made
those contacts and developed an intimate understanding of the war’s
the enormous impact on the men and women who came of age in the
mid-1960s and early 70s.
McPherson is a good
listener and conduit for the multitude of stories she presents,
stories that come from all sides of the war’s many controversies
and illustrate the widely varied experiences of the many who were affected by
the war. Her subjects are not archetypes meant to represent an
entire group but rather they illustrate the thoughts and feelings of
the people as they weighed options and made choices. She doesn’t
rely on single sources but usually offers
multiple examples and background research to present a broad
overview. McPherson presents all of the perspectives without
judgment. That’s not to say she is uncritical—she often follows
up with questions and examines how the individual experiences
compare and contrast with others. She never simply dismisses the
stories out of hand but draws her own conclusions.
Not surprisingly,
much of the focus is on the draft, military service and resistance
which served as a crucible of fire for military age males, their
parents, wives and girlfriends. One section includes chapters on
the draft and the many ways men found to avoid service. Another
section focuses on the soldiers who served, including discussion of
post-traumatic effects. Other sections examine military resistance
and the role of women in the war and resistance. Throughout,
McPherson seems favorably inclined toward veterans but not slavishly
so and not at the expense of non-veterans.
My initial reaction
to Long Time Passing
after 36 years was that it seemed like a period piece with its
intense focus on the controversies surrounding the war and its
veterans. These days it all sounds like ancient history even though
the war’s consequences continue to reverberate into our present.
At the time, however, the Vietnam war and its myriad wounds were
still quite raw and McPherson was among the first to explore the
issues in such detail and scope. Veterans in particular felt wronged
by the entire experience, whether it was disgust at America’s
failure to fully prosecute the war, serving in a war they opposed or
the wholesale characterization of veterans as dangerously on edge.
McPherson doesn’t challenge or question that veterans were often
ill-treated after returning from Vietnam but she correctly identifies
the alienation that many felt.
Perhaps the the most
important service of Long Time Passing is the clear demonstration
that much variation exists within the Vietnam generation, simple
stereotypes mask the nearly infinite versions of peoples’
experience with the Vietnam war and the draft. McPherson
comprehensively shows that “hero versus coward” and “baby
killer versus principled objector” tropes often used to reduce the
complexity of individuals weighing values and beliefs as they faced
life-threatening choices are essentially meaningless. In 1984
McPherson’s words were revolutionary; in the years since they have
become, if not common knowledge, at least recognized by historians
and analysts.
Long Time Passing
is 620 pages which makes for a long read. Like any work that
attempts to deal broadly with America’s war in Vietnam, it goes in
many directions and sometimes feels as endless as the war itself. On
the other hand, the interviews are compelling and honest, even when
McPherson suspects they might be a bit iffy. The interviews and
background research illuminate the passions, conflicts and aftermath
of a very ugly war.
The one aspect that
stood out to me personally was veterans talking about indifference and
sometimes hostility from (both anti- and pro-war) civilians and and institutions, especially veterans' organizations like Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion. Many
veterans who attended college following military service said they
felt alienated by the antiwar movement; even antiwar veterans
expressed little affinity for their non-veteran fellow students who
opposed the war. Veterans who did not attend college also
dismissed opposition to the war by civilians who lacked war
experience. And virtually all of the veterans interviewed noted how
different they felt from their civilian counterparts. I can relate
to the alienation. I’ve felt different ever since returning from
Vietnam. I never experienced any ill treatment or hostility, just
indifference. While I was in service I was always uneasy wearing a
uniform in civilian society, largely because I felt guilty about
serving in the war. No one ever hassled me about it, though, and
some people were actually kind.
When Long Time
Passing was published In 1984 America was still trying to come to
terms with defeat in Vietnam. Recriminations, blame and anger still
dominated the discussion. Who did what? Who was a coward? Who, if
anyone, was a hero? The war left America with doubts and uncertainty
that ran counter to our national belief in our good intentions and
reliance on common sense and practicality. All those wounds werestill quite raw and controversial then. McPherson was among the first to examine the
many threads of that uncertainty; her signature contribution was to
give voice to the motivations and beliefs of the many paths people
chose in making decisions about the war. Long Time Passing
did not put an end to the bickering and blaming about the war in
Vietnam but it offered thoughtful and nuanced insight into the full
range of dilemmas confronting the Vietnam generation and how their choices affected their lives and America's collective memory in the years following the war.