Postage & Mail
Yesterday I snagged the last plate of Arizona statehood centennial commemorative stamps at the Olympia main post office. Arizona doesn't have a particularly good reputation these days (actually it's always been a bit suspect) but I lived there for a quarter century, saw an amazing array of landscapes and made many good friends. For better or worse, Arizona is a part of me. And the stamp is a pretty cool image that does the state justice.

I did not know about the Arizona centennial stamp until I received this piece of mail a few days ago. It's from a long time friend in Virginia who recycles Sierra Club calendars into envelopes. Anything I get from him is always distinctive.

While in line at the PO yesterday, I leafed through a philatelic catalog on the counter and spotted both the Arizona New Mexico centennial stamps. New Mexico was a few weeks ahead of Arizona in joining the Union and has probably been less problematic. Since I was in Almost New Mexico when I lived in Window Rock I asked for a plate of each but the PO only had the Arizona stamp and the display plate was the last one at that.
The New Mexico stamp is very pretty and, I think, true.

Labels: geography