Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sunny Green Velo News

The temperature hit 71 in Olympia yesterday on the third glorious sunny day in a row. The day was way too nice to spend at work, especially knowing that the weekend was predicted to be overcast with a chance of showers. I left at noon and cycled south on the Chehalis Western trail. Same route I photographed a few weeks ago. The countryside is much greener now. The day was warm enough to ride in a t-shirt.



It's 4:30 pm Pacific Daylight Time now. Still no sign of the rapture. The volcano remains dormant and the ground has not shaken. Looks like I'll make dinner.

Nice Day to Rapture

...In Washington, DC.

Olympia is overcast with a chance of showers. Nothing particularly apocalyptic about that.

There is a volcano just just east of town and the area is a located on a geologic subduction zone. If the earth moves as part of end times, we are likely be among the first to see it happening.

My plans for rapture day are preparing for tomorrow's Turn the Budget Around event and dinner with Maggie and friends.

Best wishes to all, however the day turns out.
