America Sure the Fuck Did Win in Iraq
Naysayers, those nattering nabobs of negativism, who deny the success of The Surge in Iraq must now contend with the reality of expanding entrepreneurship and wealth in the nation that leftist traitors would have abandoned. Just look at what the US has achieved for only 4700 dead Americans (plus some number of Iraqis):
Business, not bombs, is booming at Baghdad car dealerships, as well-heeled Iraqis are indulging in a passion long out of reach - spiffy, new cars.
Hassan Saleh, who sells Japanese and South Korean four-wheel-drive vehicles and American-made Hummers at another east Baghdad dealership, attributes the boom to better security, which has given Iraqis the confidence to treat themselves to luxuries.
"Nowadays, most people are not afraid of driving fancy new cars in the streets. Two years ago, that meant imminent danger of being kidnapped for ransom," said Saleh, who sells about 10 cars a month from his dealership - up 50 percent over 2007.
"Despite the world economic crisis, Iraq is still the land of big opportunities and flourishing business," said Hassan, the dealer in east Baghdad. "And more and more people are getting rich." (emphasis added)
You see. Iraqis will all be rich and happy. A lasting gift from America.